Despite the intense efforts of traditional medicine to block tumor diseases, through surgery, radio, chemo-therapies, hormonal treatments, etc., the survival percentage of those affected in the last 30 years has not obtained results relevant except in diseases of hemolymphoproliferative origin (lymphomas and leukaemias). Today in Germany 3.3 million people have or have had a neoplastic disease. Currently, neoplastic diseases are among the leading causes of death in Europe and the leading cause of death in the United States.
Why, despite the innumerable efforts of conventional medicine, does this disease seem unable to be stopped?
What favors the formation of a tumor form?
Many factors influence the development of this pathology, and are not always taken seriously; among these are:
- The effects of toxic substances present in the environment;
- Additives contained in foods and cosmetics;
- The overload of the excretory organs;
- The imbalance of immune functions;
- Daily stress;
- Psychic conflicts, often unconscious.
The consequences of environmental pollution, the use of pesticides as well as additives in the food and cosmetic industry should not be underestimated. The problem, in fact, lies in the daily intake, even if only in small quantities, of harmful substances through food, cosmetics, the water we drink and the air we breathe; these substances over time overload our excretory organs: liver, stomach and intestines, kidneys, lymphatic system and lungs. This creates in our body an environment favorable to the development of a tumor form capable of progressing thanks also to the deriving imbalance of the immune system which does not recognize and destroy the cancer cells in time. Not only initially but also during illness, toxins play a major role. The disease itself as it treats radiation or chemotherapy determine the formation of toxic substances which tire the organs used for detoxification processes, particularly the liver and kidneys, with worsening functionality and stagnation of toxins. All this goes to alter the functioning of the immune system. Against this excess of waste and toxins our body reacts with a psycho-physical exhaustion which negatively affects the general state of health. If the psycho-physical regenerative capacity is limited and the body is no longer able to adapt to stressful situations, conditions are created which predispose to the development of chronic pathologies, which in turn contribute to the maintenance of the immunological imbalance. Negative factors such as stress, chronic inflammation, allergies and tumors determine a shift in the activity of the immune system towards the humoral response (production of antibodies and inflammatory stimulus).
The humoral response (defined as TH1) and the cell-mediated response (TH2) are mutually inhibiting, and in equilibrium conditions they should work 12 hours for one and 12 hours for the other. If the stimulus for a TH2 response remains, the TH1 response is automatically inhibited so that the body loses the ability to defend itself against viruses and tumor cells.
The restoration of a balance between the humoral and cell-mediated immune response is therefore absolutely necessary to allow the body to function both against microorganisms and against tumor cells.
The diagnosis “tumor” represents a strong psychological burden for people affected by this pathology, in fact even emotional conflicts can create the predisposing conditions for the development of the disease.
In some cases, patients affected by this pathology have a tendency to put their needs in the background for the good of society, repressing their visions, ideas and lifestyles. The body tries to compensate for this behavior, and the cell becomes “selfish” and gives rise to pathology by destroying the organism and eventually itself.
Self-acceptance and the ability to leave room for personal needs and interests would make it possible to prevent such situations.
The moment one lovingly accepts this approach to life, one is also in a position to help other people and to give one’s contribution to society by also agreeing to forgive others, even if sometimes it is very difficult.
Negative thoughts always backfire as negative energy, and through physical symptoms and illnesses what we have not dared to experience in person in life is highlighted. Only with this balance can a person heal or stay healthy.
What does our body need to heal?
Since on the one hand there is a tumor and on the other hand there is an organism that has allowed or even caused this disease, it is necessary to choose a global therapy. This means that depending on the patient’s age, the type and progression of the disease, it is necessary that there is a pre-cited traditional treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy) supported by therapies which allow on the one hand to counter any side effects, and on the other to work on the causes.
The classic psycho-emotional questions that sufferers of these pathologies ask themselves hinge on the reasons, on the causes (why me, right now, precisely that organ), and on the new daily reality that modifies habits, the style and quality of life to the point of wondering if it still makes sense to live and why. These questions can help us identify actions, thoughts and dreams that we have suppressed from our minds and that implemented are the key to radical life changes and also to pave the way to healing. L. Hirneise, analyzing the stories of patients who survived terminal stage cancer, had noticed that they had the following in common: almost 100% radically changed their lives, changing jobs, residence, freeing themselves from false friendships or making peace with the people they had quarreled with, attending Yoga, breathing, Qi Gong or meditation courses, and consequently improving their psycho-physical state. 80% of the healed people corrected their eating habits and 60% underwent an intensive detoxification treatment, restoring a balance of the immune system which is fundamental for any healing process. An excellent support for a global therapy is the intake of therapeutic mushrooms thanks to their extraordinary detoxification and immunomodulation capabilities.

Therapeutic mushrooms as adaptogens
Adaptogenic substances do an excellent job of restoring the immune balance. The term “adaptogen” was conceived by the Russian physician N.V. Lazarev, meaning all those substances that provide for the sustenance and maintenance of a good state of health and physical resistance, even in situations of psycho-physical stress until old age.
In defining him, an adaptogen must have the following characteristics:
- It must not give the organism any additional organic stress;
- It must allow a better organic adaptation to environmental pollution (through the assumption of therapeutic mushrooms, the nervous, endocrine and immune systems from which the adaptation mechanisms mainly start, are supported in their function);
- They must carry out a non-specific work on the organism;
- They must have an immunomodulatory effect, to prevent both an underreaction and an overreaction of the immune system.
This adaptogenic action has been demonstrated on the Maitake mushroom: in TH2 polarization conditions, the assumption of Maitake restores the balance by shifting it towards TH1. The adaptogenic action takes place thanks to the presence of immunomodulatory polysaccharides contained in it.
This leads to the conclusion that other mushrooms are also able to restore the balance between TH1 and TH2 cells, thanks to the considerable content of polysaccharides, which carry out this modulation in synergy with all the other bioactive substances contained by the mushroom in its natural form. Beta-Glucans are long-chain polysaccharides, contained in variable concentrations in all mushrooms which, according to the type, are present in various chemical structures, with effectiveness on the immune system which increases according to the complexity of the structure, which therefore also varies depending on the mushroom.
Polysaccharides isolated from different mushrooms have been given specific names, e.g. Shiitake contains Lentinan, CoriolusKrestin (PSK) and Maitake Grifolan and Fraction D.
Beta-Glucans act at various levels both directly and indirectly on the immune system: activation of monocytes/macrophages, production of specific cytokines, proliferation and activation of NK cells, stimolation of B and T lymphocytes. The increased production of cytokines, specific according to the current imbalance, triggers specific regulatory mechanisms.
Among the mushrooms containing large quantities of complex polysaccharides is Agaricus Blazei Murrill (ABM); ABM, associated with vitamin C which facilitates its absorption, is widely used for the regulation of the immune system in tumor pathologies. Among the actions of ABM there is that of stimulating the regeneration of the bone marrow and consequently the hematopoiesis which can be affected by radio and chemotherapy treatments, resolving situations of anemia and immunosuppression. Furthermore, with the help of ABM, situations of hepatomegaly, characteristics of leukemias and lymphomas can be controlled.
The Maitake mushroom also performs an important action on the immune system, especially when the bone structure is affected. This mushroom has the ability to strengthen bone tissue, a feature that makes it very useful in cases of bone metastases, but also for the prevention of metastases; in cases of brain tumors the use of Maitake is preferable to ABM.
The substances used in chemotherapy not only damage tumor cells, but also healthy tissues, especially those made up of actively replicating cells, such as the skin, mucous membranes and bone marrow, for example. Alterations in haematopoiesis (reduced synthesis of red and white blood cells), tiredness, nausea, vomiting, hair loss or damage to the mucous membranes can be side effects of such therapies. The use of mushrooms for therapeutic purposes allows the toxicity of these therapies to be kept under control, safeguarding and reinforcing healthy tissues.

The Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) tones and protects the liver by facilitating the elimination of excess toxins from our body, with consequent reduction of damage. Reishi together with ABM is very effective in restoring correct hematopoiesis. Reishi supports erythropoiesis, reducing the symptoms linked to anemia, i.e. poor blood oxygenation and consequent physical tiredness. This mushroom is mainly used in tumors affecting the liver or lung tissue. The Coriolusmushroom (Trametes versicolor) is instead used before or during radiotherapy. The negative consequences of radiation on hematopoiesis and mucous membranes can also be reduced in the preventive phase (prophylactic use). Individual studies prove the efficacy of Coriolusagainst tumors characterized by a hormonal component such as breast and prostate cancers. In the presence of metastases, the use of the Polyporus umbellatus (Eichhase) mushroom is recommended. The lymphatic system transports a lot of toxic substances from the organic tissues to the blood vessels in order to be able to eliminate them through the liver and kidneys and it also has an important role in our body, so much so that its blockage generates an overload of waste products which affect the functioning of the immune system. Precisely for this reason, in tumor diseases it is essential that there is good functionality of the lymphatic system especially in the case of lymphadenectomies which can lead to blockages and edema. As part of a comprehensive therapy, these situations could be resolved with the use of Polyporus. Often, even the overload of the intestinal tract can create problems, because the intestinal mucosa has an important role in the stabilization, regulation and development of the immune system: the Peyer’s patches it contains are important for the immune defenses, which they spread throughout the body through the bloodstream. To strengthen the gastro-intestinal mucosa, the Hericium erinaceus mushroom is used as well as in cases of intestinal or esophageal tumors.
Many cancer patients generally feel very debilitated. This sensation can be linked to the state of health but it can also derive from the side effects of chemo-radiotherapy which generates that anxious and dejected state of mind which makes one think that one no longer possesses the strength to overcome the disease. This clearly highlights how important the mental state of the person affected by this disease is. The Cordyceps mushroom is used as psycho-physical support because it helps to improve these states of fear, depression, demotivation and dejection. Accepting this momentary situation by possibly attending psychotherapeutic sessions as support, is a sign of strength. Only a strong physique and a healthy mind can help the body in the healing process. However, the use of the powder of the whole mushroom is fundamental, because only this has the adaptogenic properties described above. Since mushrooms can absorb harmful substances from the soil, those collected in nature should not be used, but preferably those of biological origin. The powder derived from the mycelium alone should be avoided due to the content of more than 50% of flour because this lacks certain substances present only in the gills of the mushroom. The use of the extracts, even if much publicized is not always valid, because they stimulate and not modulate the immune defenses, increasing the imbalance in some cases. Here are some therapeutic indications:
Breast cancer:
Prevention is better than cure. Pay attention to the lymphatic system where the Polyporus mushroom can help. Another preventive measure is the control of the cholesterol level and especially the HDL which must in any case be absolutely higher than 60 mg/dl; if not, Shiitake can improve this value. In the presence of a tumour, the medical therapies used must be kept in mind, because the first objective is to reduce the side effects of the therapies. Since lymph nodes are often removed during a mastectomy, the use of Polyporus is also very important because it helps the lymphatic system to eliminate the harmful substances of chemotherapy. To detoxify the liver which is greatly affected by the toxicity of chemotherapy, the administration of the Reishi mushroom is appropriate. Coriolusshould instead be used during radiotherapy due to its ability to reduce the side effects of radiation. Even in cases of hormone-dependent breast cancer Coriolusis recommended because it improves the long-term effectiveness of the hormonal block. For the protection of bone cancer Maitake is very helpful. After a treatment with traditional medicine, ABM is able to balance the immune system to avoid a possible recurrence of the disease.
Prostate cancer:
here too it is very sensible to prevent rather than cure, paying close attention that the cholesterol values are within the parameters and, as always, that the HDL is higher than 60 mg/dl. It seems that cholesterol-lowering drugs can favor this type of disease. Strenuous physical activity such as cycling may increase the risk of prostate cancer, and ABM may be supportive.
Bladder inflammations are also responsible for high PSA values, but these can be regulated with Auricularia. Cordyceps is useful for those who suffer from cold hands and feet. After a diagnosis of cancer, it is absolutely necessary to use first Polyporus to improve the lymphatic system and then Maitake to prevent bone metastases. In cases of tumors derived from hormonal problems or blockages, the use of Coriolusis recommended.
here it differs according to the increase or decrease of leukocytes. If they are increased, Shiitake is useful, if decreased, the choice falls on Reishi. In the presence of a splenomegaly it is appropriate to add the ABM. If the lymphatic system is affected, as for example in lymphomas, Polyporus should be added. Intestinal cancer:
for prevention, the utmost attention should be given to digestion. With hardened stools Reishi and Auricularia are useful while Maitake is useful for frequent and prolonged diarrhea. One of the most important rules for improving digestion is a diet rich in fiber and chewing food well and longer. In cases of heartburn, pills should not only be taken to suppress the symptom but to eliminate the cause (damaged mucous membrane). In these cases Hericium is used. After a surgery attention should be paid to the lymphatic system for which the Polyporus is indicated. Reishi and Hericium are always to be recommended as a complement. Of course, these practical examples do not replace the advice of a doctor, but they give basic indications for getting to know the mushrooms better and also help to identify which ones are the most suitable in a given situation.
Author: Cathrin Spuck Heilpraktikerin
Bibliographic sources:
(1) Lothar Hirneise: “Chemotherapie heilt Krebs und die Erde ist eine Scheibe”, SENSEI Verlag 2005
(2) Th. Dethlefsen, R. Dahlke: “Krankheit als Weg”, Goldmann, 1990
(3) Christopher Hobbs: “Medicinal Mushrooms”, Botanica Press, 1995
Author: Cathrin Spuck Heilpraktikerin