Prices & Availability

Group Juice Fasting Retreat

1699 € (Sharing)
1970 € (Own Room)

All our rooms are double/twin with en-suite bathrooms. Retreat included accommodation, juice and food during integration days.

Individual Juice Fasting Retreat

2200 € person

All our rooms are double/twin with en-suite bathrooms. Retreat included accommodation, juice and food during integration days.

Individual Kambo Ceremony

150/125/110 €

Individual Ceremonies do not include accommodation but includes a meal after the ceremony.

Weekend Kambo Retreat

535 € person

Retreat included accommodation, 3 Kambo Ceremonies and food.

Tailor Made Personalised Retreats

Price on Request

All our rooms are double/twin with en-suite bathrooms. Prices are per person. Treatments and Ceremonies – Prices Upon Request


We offer a wide range of treatments that you can choose from during your stay. The treatments are held at the retreat house, and have been designed to support you during your detox. You can choose additional treatments when you book your room (this is preferable to ensure your treatments be available), or during your retreat week. Click on the links below to access further details on the treatments available:

Signature basic and advanced parasite cleanses are designed to work with where you are at. Our philosophy considers parasites not necessarily as an enemy to be killed but playing a role in Nature. They are nature’s solution to excess waste. When the excess waste is removed and parasites are targeted balance is restored. Parasite cleanses can help restore this equilibrium.

Price: 185€

Kambô saturates the physical and energy bodies, revitalising and rejuvenating the entire being. Awakened from its slumber – the natural cleansing and balancing principles of the body surge into action, removing toxic energies and replenishing it with health and vitality.

This weekend Retreat provides three Kambô sessions over three days. A weekend retreats allows a deepening of the the effectiveness of the single Kambô session. The resonance of Kambô accumulates in the energetic system, allowing deeper shifts to occur.

Price: 530€ / person

Kambô saturates the physical and energy bodies, revitalising and rejuvenating the entire being. Awakened from its slumber – the natural cleansing and balancing principles of the body surge into action, removing toxic energies and replenishing it with health and vitality.

Certain circumstances call for healing services to be more individually-focused, or to be given much more space and time.

An individual ceremony creates sacred ceremonial space in which the energetic roots of your challenge is accessible and can be addressed.

(Accommodation NOT included, please enquire for pricing)

Price: 150 € (Private session for 1)
Price: 125 € (Private session for 2)
Price: 110 € (Private session for a group)

Kambô saturates the physical and energy bodies, revitalising and rejuvenating the entire being. Awakened from its slumber – the natural cleansing and balancing principles of the body surge into action.

Dry Kambo is an approach designed to assist people whom the conventional “wet” kambo is inappropriate or not advised.

(Accommodation NOT included, please enquire if an over night stay is required)

Price: 150 € (Private session for 1)
Price: 125 € (Private session for 2)
Price: 110 € (Private session for a group)

Hapéy is a sacred shamanic medicine or tool, that has been used by tribes of the Amazon basin for thousands of years and is an essential part of their tribal culture and history. Rapéy is the collective name of many tabaco snuffs as used by numerous indiginous tribes in Acre, Brazil. Curiously, Rapéy is not sniffed, snorted or inhaled. Instead, it is administered (blown) into the nostrils with a special blowpipe called “Kuripe” (self administration) or “Tepi” (another person administers).

Upon application it immediately focuses the mind, stops the mental chattering, and opens the entire freed head-space for your intention. Furthermore, it helps eases negativity and confusion, enabling a thorough grounding of the mind.

Price: 40€

Traditional saunas use heat to warm the air, which warms your body. This specialized sauna use light to create heat. Infrared saunas heat your body directly without warming the air around you. An infrared sauna causes reactions similar to those elicited by moderate exercises, such as vigorous sweating and increased heart rate, but at lower temperatures than a traditional sauna, which makes it accessible to people who can’t tolerate the heat.

Price: 25 for single session or 60€ for unlimited use throughout the retreat. Please note that the infrared sauna includes the ice bath.

The “Bodysonic MRA” (Magnetic Resonance Analysis) is a very effective health analysis instrument.

Originally developed in Russia, the Bodysonic MRA uses cutting-edge radionics scanning technology that performs a comprehensive body scan revealing the energy levels of each organ, gland, and system in one’s body.

By analyzing the ‘scalar’ frequency of each area and part of the body the Bodysonic MRA then creates useful onscreen feedback of the condition through a color measuring spectrum. Those areas that are not resonating to their optimum frequency are then balanced by the Bodysonic MRA through a process known as opposite waveform correction.

Price: 50€ for the duration of your stay. The number of treatments will be agreed on depending on your requirements.

First developed and used by doctor Royal Raymond Rife in the 1930s.

Thousands of independent studies have used PEMF “Pulsed Electromagnetic Field” technology to research the treatment of a multitude of conditions and ailments using different frequencies with overwhelmingly positive results.

Rife Machines, plasma emission devices, coil’s, conductive cylinders, and magnetic mats are all frequency devices with special characteristics. PEMF Technology has been available for decades but only into it public knowledge around mid-1990’s.

The technology is based on integrated sound and light used for the purpose of harmonizing the body and controlling micro-organisms.

Frequency devices typically have a calming effect on hyperactivity and stress loads. The effect of PEMF on the cellular level are numerous and include promoting detoxification, enhancing nerve repair, improving circulation plus easing both depression and insomnia.

Ultimately the immune system becomes healthier, the nervous system relaxers, and bones and joints become stronger.

We have found the device to be useful during meditation or contemplation.

Price: 50€ for the duration of your stay. The number of treatments will be agreed on depending on your requirements

The Ajna Light is light therapy that helps you experience a deep state of meditation with little effort.

Price: 30 € for single session or 80€ for unlimited use throughout the retreat.

When the body goes into a full detoxification though the juice Fasting the clearing out procedure that occurs within carries the risk of overburdening the liver an all important organs of detoxification thus impeding the detoxification. It is thus of great value to incorporate a coffee flush in the regime. The Coffee flush has a long history of being of great value in the detoxification process.

Price: 45€ for single session (includes enema kit), 80€ for two sessions or more (includes 1 enema kit). 20€ for a replacement enema kit (or part of).

Over time health practitioners and scientists found that mixing ozone (a natural gas) found from within the Earth with oxygen creates significant benefits and potential for healing. Created using unaltered, elemental oxygen gas with a Quartz glass electric discharge gradient.

Ozone has a long track record to safely help with a variety of health concerns. It’s non-invasive, natural, and non-toxic.

Price: 40€ for single session (includes insufflation kit), 100€ for unlimited use throughout the retreat (includes 1 insufflation kit). 20€ for a replacement insufflation kit (or part of).

An overnight procedure (made famous by Dr Andreas Moritz) to remove up to several hundred gallstones at a time.

Price: 60€

Telepathy is a heart-based means of communicating through images, thoughts, feelings and emotions.

It is a non-verbal universal language that is available to all beings and knows no boundaries with regards to time or distance.

We are all born knowing how to communicate telepathically but often over time we lose this beautiful heart-based channel of communication and instead put more focus on the mind-based verbal and written language.

Animals communicate telepathically with each other. When I communicate with animals, I simply access this channel of communication and connect with the animals through their telepathic language. My conversation with the animal will be a two-way conversation whereby I can convey their thoughts and feelings. Connecting with your animal in this way can be the most loving experience and often brings about a deeper understanding and relationship between you and your animal.

Price: 100€

Traditional Thai massage is an ancient form of healing believed to originate from the time of Buddha. Thai massage techniques differ from the scooping strokes of the Western massage; it is described by some as a kind of passive yoga. The Thai method uses two primary procedures – applying deep, consistent pressure to specific nerves, tendons, and ligaments, and a wide variety of passive stretching movements manipulating the skeleton in order to balance the functions of the body.

Thai Massage restores the unimpeded flow of energy which is vital for vibrant health.

Price: On Request

Light yoga during the fast helps to tone the liver and other digestive organs and glands whilst strengthening the immune system, reducing excessive mucus, and purifying the blood. It also improves the circulation of the blood and lymphatic systems.

Price: On Request (Included in the Annual Detox Retreats)