This page is dedicated to results that our clients have been getting from doing either the ONE Day Colon Cleanse and or the Liver Cleanse.

The process excels at bringing out deeply held mucoid plaque, dampness and liver/gallbladder stones.

Mucoid Plaque is a part of the undigested material that has been stuck on the intestinal walls over the years.

Not all Mucoid Plaque is the same: It may have different shapes, colors, textures and even smells.

What follows should not be taken as a medical diagnosis, however it may inspire you in knowing this toxic matter has left your body.

This is positive. Take comfort at being being proactive in your quest for better health.

Understanding what has been released from your body is important, and can help you with moving into a healthier way of life. We recommend that you collect your bowel movements into a colander that you previously placed in the toilet bowl.

Herewith are some examples and associated comments. Note that some may have a combination of characteristics.


The Colon cleansing ingredients are consumed though day 1 of the Fast from 9am until 9pm. Nothing else is consumed during this time. A day of juicing for the day prior is required to ensure an empty stomach. The results of the cleanse begin to be released late on day 1 and into day 2.

Initially a jelly like substance is released which is the remnants of the cleanse product. Over the next few days copious amounts of mucoid plaque, biofilm and even parasites are released.

The mucoid plaque has the resemblance of thick damp bicycle rubber that can be observed if trapped and collected as in the above images. The releases may have a foul odor, leaving you with no doubt that something very old has left the body.

The mucoid plaque accumulation can be several feet in length. Sometimes released as one long segment and sometimes in chunks.

When the total releases are laid out collectively, the full length can be several feet depending on how much is released from the individual on that occasion.

The ONE Day cleanse is the best means to release what Chinese Traditional Medicine terms as internal dampness that is at the root of many discomforts and illnesses. It is easy to notice dampness, as it is either completely moist or even wet like mud or it has a gluey or glossy appearance.

The above images are a combination of released mucoid plaque and dampness

The One Day Colon cleanse is the best means to release internal dampness that is at the root of many discomforts and illnesses, all in as little as one day. It is easy to notice dampness as it is either completely wet like mud or it has a gluey or glossy appearance as pictured above.

Staggering results from the 1-day colon cleanse. 120cm of mucoid plaque was release on day three of this persons recent cleanse.


People doing the Seven Day Rainbow Cleanse experience large stones and solid fat pieces coming out from their liver flush. Most people have a soft easy and gentle opening of the bile ducts on their first flush and then the larger stones and liver parasites called flukes are able to be released either in that flush or a consecutive flush.

The liver cleanse in the Raibow process is done ONLY AFTER the colon has been cleared out and the detox pathways have been properly opened with the intestinal cleanse.

This allows your body is able to eliminate everything being stirred up and released from your liver without overwhelming your system.

Most of what you will see after a liver cleanse is a greenish sandy matter, and fatty material mixed with the toxic matter released from the liver. You may notice bigger pieces as well. If you use a very hot shower jet over the bigger pieces it will wash away the outside and may reveal dark green pieces, which are gallstones. You may have hundreds of them.

The dark green pieces are gallstones, the darker they are older they are.

A typical release when using the Liver cleanse process.

The above images shows “chaff” debris or granules ejected from the bile ducts during the liver cleanse. This is often seen on the individuals first liver cleanse.

Unusually large galls stones.

Hard fatty deposit’s removed from the liver during the cleanse.

The above stones are hard fatty deposits removed from the Liver during the Rainbow Cleanse during the Liver Cleanse phase. They are believed to come from cavities within the Liver created by parasites. The cleanse kit dilates the bile ducts enough for them to be removed without discomfort.